Dynamic windows for the modern home.

Introducing: a new way to experience natural light at home.
Our integrated window technology enables homeowners to dynamically control privacy, comfort, and energy efficiency.
With the touch of a button, fully control the visible light and solar heat entering your home.
Quickly adjust the light from crystal clear all the way to our exclusive blackout and any state in-between.

Smart windows for smart homes.
Wake up with the sun. Optimize energy during the heat of the day. Wind down even when it’s still light out. Tynt windows can be programmed to your unique lifestyle.

A beautiful, natural transition.
Our windows are sleek and elegant. They transition smoothly from crystal clear all the way to our exclusive blackout, as mother nature intended.

Flex your floor plan.
Tynt lets you control the light room-by-room, whatever you’re doing, whenever you’re doing it.
Forget walls and expensive window treatments. Put your media room upstairs. Control the glare in your home office. Meditate in the middle of your den.

Our Technology
Our ultra energy efficient window technology, Reversible Metal Electrodeposition (RME), was developed at Stanford University and the University of Colorado Boulder, supported by the Department of Energy.
It uses metal films to control the light and heat flow, and requires less than one volt to function.